Violaine Garcia-Fernandez




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Thèmes de recherche

The PHD thesis, which I begin at the end of the year 2005, under the direction of the professor Gérard Leboucher, in France, and of the professor Giorgio Malacarne, in Italy, carries the title: 

Partner quality and egg quality in the bird.


This research is based partly on the study of the common domesticated Canary (Serinus canaria) at the University of Paris Nanterre (France). It is supplemented by the study of the gray Partridge (Perdix perdix) at the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Eastern "Amedeo Avogadro" (Italy).


The aim is to vary certain male characteristics and to observe the result of this variation in the females. For the canary, my methods mainly involve certain song characteristics. With regard to the partridges, which are not songbirds, the varying characteristic will be the fact that the male partners are chosen or imposed on the female. The effect of these variations will be quantified with data collected on eggs laid by females (quantity, weight, concentration of testosterone...). All these data are ways of determining the investment of the female in the brood.


Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e della Vita
via Bellini 25/G
15100 Alessandria


Laboratoire d'Analyses Biologiques, Centre d'Etudes Biologique de Chizé
F-79360 Beauvoir sur Niort






Garcia-Fernandez V., Amy M., Lacroix A., Malacarne M. & Leboucher G., 2010. Eavesdropping on male singing interactions leads to differential allocation in eggs, Ethology, vol. 116, pp. 662-670.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Guasco B., Tanvez A., Lacroix A., Cucco M., Leboucher G. & Malacarne M., 2010. Influence of mating preferences on yolk testosterone in the grey partridge, Animal Behaviour, vol. 80 (1), pp. 45-49.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Tanvez A. & Leboucher G., 2008. Différences comportementales au cours du cycle de reproduction : influence de l'environnement physique et social sur l'investissement maternel de la femelle canari (Serinus canaria). Actes des XVIIe Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle.



Oral communications


D. Ung, V. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Amy, A. Lacroix, G. Malacarne & G. Leboucher, 2010. Effects of social context and individual traits on communication and  reproductive strategies in domestic canaries. Université Franco-Allemande (DFH), "Behavioural paradigms" symposium. Seewiesen, Germany, 7-8 december.

V. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Amy, A. Lacroix, G. Malacarne, & G. Leboucher, 2009. Female canary differential allocation in eggs is influenced by eavesdropping on male-male singing interactions. 31st International Ethological Conference, Rennes, France, 19th-24th August 2009.

V. Garcia-Fernandez, 2009. How is female bird investment influenced by partner quality? Supporting the engagement of females in academic careers, Second workshop, Nanterre, France, 1st-3rd July 2009.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Guasco B., Tanvez A., Lacroix A., Malacarne G., Leboucher G., 2007. Choix du partenaire et investissement maternel chez la Perdrix grise, Perdix perdix. Colloque annuel SFECA 2007 "Le social dans tous ses états", Villetaneuse, France, du 18 au 20 avril 2007.



V. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Lacroix, G. Malacarne, G. Leboucher, 2009. Maternal investment in response to an exaggerated male trait in canaries. 31st International Ethological Conference, Rennes, France, 19th-24th August 2009.

V. Garcia-Fernandez, B. Guasco, A. Tanvez, A. Lacroix, M. Cucco, G. Leboucher, G. Malacarne, 2008. Mate attractiveness influences maternal investment in Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix.  9th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology, Leuven, Belgique, 10th15th July 2008.

B. Guasco, V. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Cucco, G. Leboucher, G. Malacarne , 2008. Egg quality of female grey partridges paired with preferred males. 4th European Conference on Behavioural Biology (ECBB), Dijon, France, 18th20th July 2008.

V. Garcia-Fernandez, B. Guasco, A. Tanvez, G. Malacarne, M. Cucco, A. Lacroix and Leboucher G., 2007. Maternal investment and mating choice in the grey Partridge (Perdix perdix). ASAB Summer Conference : Sex, shopping and sharing, Newcastle, England, 5-7th September 2007.

Monbureau M., Lacroix A., Garcia-Fernandez V., Chastel O.Leboucher G., 2007. Les femelles canari investissent-elles plus dans les oeufs destinés à contenir des mâles ? Colloque annuel SFECA 2007 "Le social dans tous ses états", Villetaneuse, France, du 18 au 20 avril 2007.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Tanvez A. & Leboucher G., 2006. Effet du -carotène sur l'investissement maternel chez le Canari (Serinus canaria). Forum des Laboratoires et Entreprises en Sciences Cognitives, Cité Universitaire, Paris, France, le 14 avril 2007.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Tanvez A. & Leboucher G., 2006. Différences comportementales au cours du cycle de reproduction : influence de l'environnement physique et social sur l'investissement maternel de la femelle canari (Serinus canaria). XVIIe Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle, Université Paris Nanterre, France, du 19 au 21 septembre 2006.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Tanvez A. & Leboucher G., 2006. Young canaries use carotenoids in immunity first. 11ème Congrès International d'Ecologie Comportementale 'ISBE 2006', Tours, France, du 23 au 29 juillet 2006.

Garcia-Fernandez V., Tanvez A. & Leboucher G., 2006. Effet de l'alimentation sur le comportement de nourrissage des femelles canaris (Serinus canaria). Forum des Laboratoires et Entreprises en Sciences Cognitives, Cité Universitaire, Paris, France, le 14 avril 2006.

Updated on 24 mai 2017